Doberman Pinscher

Cocoa is a 5 year old house-broken Doberman who lost his only owner due to health problems. He spent his entire life always being around his owner, whether it be outside in the backyard or inside in a giant dog bed or cage. He loves to sit and watch what everyone is doing, especially in rooms where the entire family is present but only if he can be a part of the action. He will always try and stay near you no matter what you're doing. He's also very goofy and is still very much a puppy! He loves to steal shoes and tissues!

Cocoa is also very affectionate and will lick you to death! He will put his paws on you and try laying all over you if given the opportunity.

Due to the environment he was raised in, Cocoa has developed some social anxiety and he gets very anxious if he's around other animals for the first time and or if he's left alone. It was just him and his owner for years so he's used to the constant companionship. When left completely alone, he'd get destructive and bark until someone came back to be near him. He'd also destroy cages trying to find a way out just so he could come find you. Thanks to several weeks of training and conditioning, he now only whimpers for a few moments and lays down in his bed or kennel. He considers his kennel his safe zone where he can calm himself down until you come back to see him. A perfect day for Cocoa would be for him to spend all day by your side.

  Cocoa needs to be in a home where he can be a part of the family so he's always near those he loves. His breed coupled with the social anxiety makes him require a lot of human interaction on a daily basis.
  He needs structure as this helps him deal with the social anxiety so he can be a good boy. (Bathroom breaks, food time, play time, training and conditioning, indoor behavior, etc)
  Patience is very important. Cocoa is an exceptional animal with quite a bit of depth and goofiness mixed in. He needs a home where his owner is able to express extreme patience, especially when dealing with Cocoa's anxiety.
  He needs to be given a job or role within the family, even if it's just to watch over everyone.
  Needs to have access to a good sized yard that he can't escape from because he loves to run around. 
  Needs an extra large kennel without a door that he can lay in when he's anxious. (Included)
  Needs a vibration training collar to continue conditioning him to make good choices with his anxiety. (Included)
  Needs an extra large dog bed for indoors. (Included)
  He loves to chew on bones or pig ears. He's very happy to be able to lay down in his bed and chew a bone while you watch tv.
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